Hey dudes and dudettes!! Before I start WIAW I just wanted to throw out a quick reminder to enter my cookbook giveaway! Remember that it ends on Friday at 5:00 pm CST!
Also since I’m talking about the giveaway… I am completely amazed by the response for this! I honestly had no plan to do a giveaway until I started writing the post, It was totally a whim! But I feel so bad because so many people want a cookbook and I could only give out one. So here’s what’s going to happen… I’m looking for a secret number of entries in the giveaway. If we get to that number I’m going to give out TWO cookbooks instead of just one! So make sure you enter the giveaway, tweet, facebook, and blog it so that you’ll have a better chance of winning one! (remember you can get up to three entries!)
Now onto some WIAW!!

Breakfast was the same old same old. Cereal. I love cereal. Sometimes I eat cereal for dinner. I’m not joking!
This morning in particular was Nature’s Path Heritage Flakes with banana slices, blueberries, and 1 cup almond milk.
Also, I don’t always remember to take a picture of it, but there’s ALWAYS coffee involved in some point of my morning!
Lunch was at home since I didn’t have school that particular day.
Green Juice (spinach, celery, cuke, apple), hummus wrap with soooo much Frank’s Red Hot, tabouli salad, and baby carrots.
Apple slices and pretzels with some home made butterscotch Peanut Butter (recipe coming very very soon- I promise. I have to perfect it before I share!)
And finally, dinner. This is my favorite dinner. Ever. This is Laura’s Pad Thai recipe. I make mine with tofu instead of chicken obvi. I also double up on the veggies! It’s amazing. I have dreams about the sauce. I’m not joking!
Now, what did Harley eat this fine Wednesday? Otherwise known as WHAW!
She shredded a whole roll of my kenisio tape! This stuff is not that cheap either. Little turkey!
Pure. Evil.
Hope you guys have some great eats on this amazing WIAW!
You have two of my favorite thigns in your eats, apple and peanut butter and pad thai, yum! I’m very intrgiued by your butterscotch peanut butter, can’t wait to see the recipe and give it a try.
Apples and PB are such a great and classic combo… I had that for a snack yesterday!
Haha I love cereal too, but I never eat it for breakfast. (It just doesn’t keep me full like yogurt does!) But I do eat it for snacks and I sometimes eat it for dinner, too!!
Apples & PB rock my socks off!
your eats looks great! great pictures!!
Apple slices, pretzels and pb are a frequent snack over here!
I cannot wait for that PB recipe!!!Yummy! Also, I’m pretty obsessed with cereal as well. I’ve been on a Barbara’s Puffins cereal lately. Now, having just mentioned it, I may have to get up and have some. And I’m loving the almond milk. I cut out the cow’s milk for good and the almond kind makes me super happy! 🙂
Ahhhhh looks like an excellent day of eats. Jealllll