
What a day today was!!  I’m glad it’s Friday cause that means tomorrow is Saturday and I have a fun girls night planned for tomorrow night!  YAY!

Got up and did some Organic Chem homework- glycolysis.  Not so interesting at 8 in the morning!  Then did my discussion and response for my Food and Culture class, which is online.  Then it was lunch and grocery shopping.

Lunch was the same as it has been for the last few days- veggie burger with pepperjack cheese.  I’m LOVING the gardenburger veggieburgers!

Then onward to a marathon grocery shopping trip!  I hit up the local produce place here in town, then it was on to Whole Foods, then Central Market for my favorite Whole Wheat tortillas(they make the best tortillas EVER!!!)

For dinner I put a few things together and we kind of had a mismash of things.  I had some Annie’s mac and cheese in the pantry, so I made that and stirred a can of drained Rotel into it (thanks for the idea Amanda- it was delicious!  I can’t believe I’ve never tried that before!). 



Then roasted up some broccoli (if you’ve never had roasted broccoli you have to try it- it’s amazing!).  And sprinkled a little parmesan cheese on top.  YUM!



Then I tried a new product that I grabbed at Whole Foods this afternoon.  I’m always a bit wary of the veggie versions of meat- I’ve tried so many that were disgusting.  This is a brand that I heard about on a podcast that I like to listen to- it’s called Field Roast, and they make all kinds of veggie meats out of wheat gluten. 

I got the Mexican Chipotle style “sausage” to try.

DSCF2270 DSCF2271

Look- you can pronounce all of the ingredients!


Now I’m not going to say that it tasted exactly like sausage, but it definitely had a sausage flavor to it.  I just used one link for the both of us, so I’ll have plenty of other opportunities to try it in other things- there are three more of them left.  It was REALLY spicy though- so if you don’t like spicy stuff, you wouldn’t like it.  Overall, though, I thought it was pretty good!  I would probably buy it again.

I served that up with my broccoli and mac and cheese.

I’m exhausted- I think it’s my bed time now!  Nighty night!


  1. I am so glad you liked the rotel in the mac-n-cheese! I love reading your blog!

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