16 Weird Facts

Hello!!!  So I’ve talked before about how weird I am, but honestly I can never get enough of talking about myself. Winking smile  So when Mandy tagged me in a post for a survey for weird facts about yourself I was like heck yes!

So here’s the survey!!!

1.) What’s a nickname only your family calls you?
My mom always calls me sister and my brothers used to call me sis-a-choo or see-roar.  (I know- we’re all a bunch of weirdos!)

2.) What’s a weird habit of yours?
Oh geez- I have SO many weird habits!  Maybe the weirdest one is that I absentmindedly play with my nose ring sometimes and it kind of looks like I’m picking my nose.  Hehe.

3.) Do you have any weird phobias?
Yep.  Fish, birds, and gigantic poodles!

4) What’s a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you’re alone?
Defying Gravity from Wicked.  I love that song and I love to pretend that I can sing.

5.) What’s one of your biggest pet peeves?
I have two that are pretty equally at the top of my pet peeve list.  People that are rude for no reason and people that boss me around.  First of all it’s nice to be nice!  Second of all, you’re not my mom- so quit bossing me around!

6.) What’s one of your nervous habits?
I move constantly when I’m nervous or uncomfortable.  I’m also very pacey, especially when I’m nervous about a test- I pace back and forth and back and forth.  The movement seems to help me when it comes to remembering stuff for a test so I’m ok with it. (ADD much?)

7.) What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The right side.

8.) What was your first stuffed animal and it’s name?
uhhhh… I have no idea!

9.) What’s the drink you always order at Starbucks?
In the summer I order LOTS of iced coffee!  In the winter my favorite is the peppermint mocha.  I also like the toffee nut latte quite a bit in any season!

10.) What’s a beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice?
I honestly don’t preach any beauty rules because I’m just not all that interested in that kind of stuff. But I’m horrible about remembering to wash my makeup off before I go to bed.  I actually just started keeping those face wipe things on my bedside table so I can just wipe it off as I’m crawling into bed.

11.) Which way do you face in the shower?
Back to the water unless I’m washing my face.

12.) Do you have any ‘weird’ body ‘skills’?
Not really but I do have a crazy hitchhiker’s thumb!  Like it sometimes freaks people out how far my thumb bends back!

13.) What’s your favorite comfort food that’s ‘bad’ but you love to eat it anyways?
hmmmm… I don’t really like to make food “good” or “bad”, but one indulgence that I like to occasionally have is french fries!  Not often because the grease kills my stomach- maybe like once or twice a year.

14.) What’s a phrase or exclamation you always say?
I’ve been saying “time out”, “that’s the bee’s knees”, and “DUDE!” a lot lately.

15.) Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing?
Pajama pants and a t-shirt.  I’m convinced that God Himself put pajama pants on this Earth JUST for me!!!

16.) What did you used to wear that you thought was cool but now you realize it wasn’t that hot?
Really baggy t-shirts.  Ugh.


So who should I tag now?  I’m trying to think of a couple of bloggie friends that haven’t done this yet…

I choose…
Michelle at The Running Jewess
Nicci at Nifty Eats
Kayla at Sprouty Buns
Liz at Chubosaurus and This Chihuahua Wears Pearls

And of course anyone that WANTS to do it, SHOULD!  I could use more weird in my life!!



  1. I am still so insulted about your fear of gorgeous standard poodles. They are wonderful, one day I’ll bring you to the light!

  2. It is your lucky day. Here is mine. I would only do this for you , Sarah. 🙂
    1) my dad calls me BB head sometimes. Ugh!
    2) I’m pretty much over my weirdest habit of making everything that touches me even on both sides. That only took about 25yrs. Oh! I know one. If I think of something I did that is SOOO embarrassing to me I have to jerk or make a noise or something to break out of the thought. So if you see me spaz a little I won’t tell you what I was thinking. Ha
    3) dolls. I don’t like em. The more real they look the more creeped out I get.
    4) I used to secretly like the Katy Perry song, I kiss a girl. I’m happy to say I am pretty much broken of that embarrassing fact. Right now? Umm can’t think of anything. I’m sure there is but the Perry song is overshadowing it at the moment.
    5) RUDE PEOPLE! I am not using all caps to be funny this time. I very much dislike it.
    6) biting my nails. Yeah, it’s gross I know. My nails are still long though. I just trim them. Is that at least not as bad?
    7) depends. I prefer to not be closest to the door. If it is a hotel room then I prefer closest to the AC!!
    8) the earliest I can remember was my bear named Sunshine
    9) summer- caramel frap. Winter- white chocolate mocha
    10) not much into “the rules” so I’m not preachy. I get on to my mom about moisturizing her face daily. I pretty much do that though. I don’t wash my face at night though. Shame on me.
    11) away from water unless washing my face
    12) nothing awesome. I am fairly good at rolling/crossing my eyes and bring expressive with my face.
    13) only one?
    14) i like to change them up. Right now it is Poop on a Stick!! I love when I hear my students say that. Haha!!!!
    15) no comment
    16) I have never been very fashionable so I don’t have too many regrets. I still think overalls and socks that you scrunch down to your calf are cool.

  3. Rebecca O'Dell says:

    I’ll play along!

    1.) What’s a nickname only your family calls you?
    Becky. It’s pretty unoriginal, but ONLY my family can get away with calling me that. I don’t know, whenever I hear non-family members say it, I picture a hillbilly sitting on a mound of hay. Weird, right?

    2.) What’s a weird habit of yours?
    Don’t judge, but I tend to not shave my legs for long periods of time. So it’ll just grow out for weeks and weeks before I’ll decide to mow the legs down.

    3.) Do you have any weird phobias?
    I hate blood, and hearing/feeling heart beats. I imagine it will be uncomfortable when my husband and I begin a family and I have to listen to a heartbeat from the womb.

    4) What’s a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you’re alone?
    This definitely would have to be “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood. I look certifiably insane belting that out in my car.

    5.) What’s one of your biggest pet peeves?
    When people don’t follow through on their promises.

    6.) What’s one of your nervous habits?
    I mess with my curly hair. It gets pretty frizzy by the end of the day.

    7.) What side of the bed do you sleep on?
    If you are looking at the bed, the right side. I usually have to sleep on the side without the alarm clock. If the clock is on my side, I’ll wake every few hours because I get paranoid that I’m going to sleep through my alarm.

    8.) What was your first stuffed animal and it’s name?
    I was slightly spoiled as a child, so I had many toys and stuffed animals, but I couldn’t name any of them now.

    9.) What’s the drink you always order at Starbucks?
    Tall White Chocolate Mocha, no matter the temperature outside.

    10.) What’s a beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice?
    Not really one for beauty rules. I only wear foundation because I have terrible acne scarring. Otherwise I keep it pretty simple.

    11.) Which way do you face in the shower?
    I face away from the water except to wash my face.

    12.) Do you have any ‘weird’ body ‘skills’?
    Nothing that would be appropriate for this blog. Just Kidding!!! Oh my, could you imagine??

    13.) What’s your favorite comfort food that’s ‘bad’ but you love to eat it anyways?
    Definitely pizza. I love pizza and could eat it literally everyday.

    14.) What’s a phrase or exclamation you always say?
    I’m so fricken excited!! (I’m easily excited)

    15.) Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing?
    Tank top and PJ pants. That’s not even during sleeping time. That’s usually what I change into when I get home from work.

    16.) What did you used to wear that you thought was cool but now you realize it wasn’t that hot?
    Bangs. With curls like mine, you would understand why I would say that. What was I thinking back in 6th grade?

  4. Based on some of your answers, you and I could be the same person, except that I took my nose ring out a couple years ago and I like giant poodles. Actually, I’ve never met a giant poodle.

  5. totally thought one of your phobias was “giant boobs” .. not “poodles”! HA!! Your answer makes much more sense 🙂

  6. This would have been WAY more epic as a vlog 🙂 🙂

    Also, I can’t believe some of the “weird” habits you say you have. You may have to prove it one day!!

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