Archives for March 31, 2009

Monday, Monday…

It’s Monday, the beginning of another week.  One week closer to Summer!!  Today was a pretty boring day at work today.  Nothing really happened.

I decided to make some oatmeal for breakfast this morning.  I haven’t had any in a while and it was time to reaquaint myself with the glory of its oaty-ness!


Into my oatmeal went:

-1/2 banana
-1 T granola
-1 T natural peanut butter

For a mid-morning snack I had a applesauce pumpkin muffin, the other half of my banana from breakfast, and some water from my sweet water bottle.  Isn’t my desk pretty? LOL


For lunch I had some leftover andouille red beans and rice
some mixed fruit
and yes!!  I had a piece of cake.  Unfortunately it was just okay and I shouldn’t have eaten it.  I had to get on the treadmill when I got home to work it off.  Lesson learned!!

Here’s my lunch on my funny zoo-animal plate!!  (it was left over from a rhythm activity I did with my Kinders, so if figured it should get used.


On the way home from school I snacked on some baby carrots and a few sweet yellow tomatoes- mmmm!


Then on the way to Kickboxing I had a Luna Bar (I love kickboxing AND Luna bars!!!)


Then when I got home from kickboxing I was hungry again so I had some lowfat cottage cheese with a sprinkle of granola(will not be doing that again- granola is GROSS on cottage cheese!!)


Then I started working on dinner!  We had taco soup!  I had mine with:

-1/2 oz sharp cheddar
– 1 /2 oz crushed baked tostitos
-1 T lowfat sour cream
– a couple of jalapenos

and a diet cherry Dr. Pepper!  I try not to drink much soda, but this is one that I have a hard time resisting- it’s wonderful!!!


Well, I guess that’s it for tonight!!  Toodles!!