Archives for May 2009

Boo to today.

Hey there!  Today pretty much sucks.  I’m not gonna lie.

I went to my training session this morning and we did measurements.  I’ve gained several pounds a few inches and three percent body fat.

I got really upset because I’ve been working so hard trying to take some of this weight off.  I’m not at a healthy weight and the extra body fat is really getting in my way.  I feel like I eat really well about 95 % of the time.   I work out 5-6 times a week.  I ALWAYS have a calorie deficit of 1,000 or more.  I just don’t get it.  I feel like I’m busting my ass for nothing here.

Anyway I ended up having a little breakdown about 15 minutes into our session.   I could feel myself getting upset, but I was trying to hold it in.  I mean I was in a gym full of people.  But it just came busting out and I was just sobbing.  I think I shocked my poor trainer and she wasn’t sure how to react, lol.  She ended up telling me to just go on home and relax a little and that we would make up the session next week.  I felt so bad about walking out on the middle of the session, but I knew that I was wasting both of our time by being there while I was so upset.

I’m going to take a little break from calorie counting for the next few days.  I think it’s making me crazy.  I’ll probably start back on Monday or Tuesday.  I think I’m going to go see a doctor as well just to make sure there’s nothing wrong.  And my insurance covers a dietician, so I might go see one (I don’t think my food is the problem though, but you never know).

I’ve been getting some crazy headaches too and they just won’t go away.  It feels like my brain is being squished.

Today just sucks.

Night Owl

I had a super crazy bad headache earlier this evening so I took an excedrine and I am still up because of the caffeine in it- those things have more caffeine than a soda in them!  Oh well, my headache is gone so that is what is important, right?

Dinner tonight was SO good and extremely filling!  We had grilled chicken, roasted veggies, and quinoa.  I had tried quinoa before but I did something wrong and it tasted aweful, so I tried a different method this time and it worked like a charm! 

Here’s what I did...

First I soaked a cup of quinoa in a little cold water for a couple of minutes, then I rinsed it really good.  Then I soaked it again, then I rinsed it again (this removes the saponins that coats quinoa seeds.  If you don’t rinse it well enough it will taste bitter.  I think this was my mistake last time.)

Then I put it in my rice maker.  I did my proportions just like rice- one part quinoa, 2 parts water.  Then I turned it on and let it do its thang.  When it clicked off I fluffed it with a fork and it was perfecto!  (I seriously love my rice cooker.  I am whole grain impared.  I can only make them in the rice cooker, they never turn out when I make them on the stove).

Quinoa has some seriously stellar nutritional stats!  It is SO good for you.  It’s high in protein and it’s also a complete protein.  It also has tons of antioxidants and lots of vitamins and minerals that I just don’t have the energy to type out right now.

Now that you’ve had your quinoa lesson, go make some.  It’s super yummy!

Here’s what my dinner looked like…


Close up of quinoa (I wonder how many times I can possibly type the word quinoa?  Anyone want to count for me??)


Roasted broccoli, apsaragus, and cherry tomatoes (I ended up mixing the tomatoes in w/ my quinoa)


After dinner we went to Braum’s for some frozen yogurt.  I had chocolate.  It was fab!

I guess that’s it for tonight!  Anyone doing anything fun for Memorial Day weekend?

Lots of cleaning and reorganizing going on around this casa.  Going to get rid of a bunch of junk at a friends garage sale next weekend.  And I think I’m going to make some banana bread tomorrow!  I’ve been craving it for weeks.  I’m going to do some tweaking and combining of several different recipes that I’ve found.  Can’t wait!


Happy Friday (and my school was on fire today)

No joke, my school actually was on fire today!  I wasn’t there, I go between two schools and I was at the other today.  I don’t have a lot of details, but apparently a couple of the kindergarten classes were on fire?  Yikes!  I’ll update when I figure out what was going on, but my classroom was okay.  No instruments on fire.


I’m all out of oats, which was what I wanted this morning for breakfast (of course!), so I settled for some Kashi Go Lean Crunch  instead.  With a splash of Almond Milk and half a banana.


Then it was off to work I went.  Hey, guess what?  After the holiday this weekend, there are only 3 and 1/2 days left!

I had no 5th graders today, they went to the high school for field day, so  I got to come home for lunch.  I made a really tasty sammich with some kashi crackers and even had some dessert!


On my sammy…

  • whole wheat bread
  • mustard
  • pepperjack
  • honey ham
  • lettuce

It was really good, the pepperjack was super spicy!

And then dessert!   I had some graham sticks dipped in Nutella (I got the single serving at World Market.  That’s the only way I can have that kind of stuff in the house- otherwise I would just stick my face in the jar.  I think it has a little over a Tablespoon in it)


Oh so goooooood!

I’ve got a few hrs till the hubby gets home, so I better decide what’s for dinner and get the kitchen cleaned up a bit (the dishes are piled up to the ceiling!).  I hate doing dishes.  Anyone else hate dishes as much as I do?

Exit interview

I had my exit interview today.  It was more like an exit worksheet though, haha.  They pretty much just made me promise I wouldn’t take any of the schools stuff when I left and that I had to turn in all my keys on the last day.  It was weird.  There was a “comments” section, but I decided to hold my tongue on that.  There are a LOT of choice words I would love to share with them, but I decided it probably wouldn’t be wise.  In a week and two days I will get to leave that place and never look back.  I just wish I hadn’t wasted so much time there living in misery!


For lunch I was craving a salad (let me digress for just a second here…  just a few years and about 50 lbs ago I would NEVER have craved a SALAD!  I can’t believe how far I’ve come- it amazes me.  I probably would have been eating a big bag of McDonalds greasy-ness instead of a salad)


In my salad..

  • romaine lettuce
  • cherry tomatoes (these were SO sweet and delish!)
  • broccoli
  • leftover grilled chicken (about 3 oz)
  • Annie’s Naturals light honey mustard (so GOOD!)

And a little fruit for dessert (cantaloupe, honeydew, and strawberries)

When I got home from school I was all hopped up on caffeine and I totally cleaned out our junk room!  Like seriously, it was really bad and now it looks awesome.  I’ve been trying to get that room cleaned out for like 5 yrs now, LOL.  I think we’re going to turn it into a guest room so that we can put out the quilt that my mom made us for our wedding (it doesn’t go with the colors in the master bedroom, but it’s so pretty I hate it to be sitting in the cabinet).

While I was cleaning I munched on a few triscuits with a little roasted red pepper tapenade.  Yum!

dscf1887 dscf1890

Then dinner was sweet and spicy grilled cheeses with tomato soup.  The sandwiches were AWESOME, but the soup was nasty (it was the V8 tomato soup, don’t try it, it’s gross!  Plus it has corn syrup in it, which I didn’t notice until after dinner).

So here’s how you make the sammies…

2 pieces whole wheat bread(i sprayed a little olive oil from my Misto on them instead of using any butter), put a little light cheddar on, then some carmelized onions (sautee them up in a little EVOO over medium heat until they get all melty and sweet), then a slice of tomato, then some pepper jack, then grill em up in a pan!

So so so good!  The soup was not.  I just used it to dip my sammy in, then I tossed the rest.



That’s all she wrote!  Nighty night!!

what a gorgeous day…

to bad I’ll be stuck inside for most of it.  I am SOOOOO ready for the summer and for my job to be over!

I just registered for orientation at TWU (Texas Woman’s University) on June the 4th!!  That’s the day that I will get to register for my classes and wander around the campus and whatnot- yay!!  I am so excited to get back in school and get my new career started that I literally think I’ll bust!

Breakfast this morning was oats.  My oat jar is empty now and that makes me sad!!  It’s a good thing that oats are so cheap, I need to get some more.


In and on my oats this morning…

  • 1/3 cup oats
  • 1/3 cup almond milk
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 T walnuts
  • 1 T mymix granola
  • 1 T raspberry white chocolate PB

YUMMMM!!!!   Well, I have to get ready for work now (BOO!)  Adios!