Archives for July 15, 2009


What a day!  I typed out half of this post earlier today about how nothing was going on and life was boring, etc…  But then crazy-ness ensued!  lol, well not really, but for as little as I have going on right now it was my version of crazyness.  So it turns out that my financial aid was approved after all for school next year!  Woohoo!  I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to get anything at all and some money came through after all!!!!  What a total relief to have school taken care of.  Now I won’t have to worry continuously about money next year and I can focus on school.  Now we won’t have to be stressed and Justin won’t have to get a second job (he’s been talking about it, but I won’t let him.  His job is hard enough and he works such long hours as it is) and I won’t have to try to work and  go to school full time at the same time.  I can just focus on studying and getting kickass grades so that I can get into the internship of my choice and the master’s program that I want.   Whew! 

I’m soooo excited for school to get started that I feel giddy!


I had a fun little field trip yesterday- Sam Moon!!  I had never been, but there’s been one in Fort Worth for like 2 yrs.  It’s just purses/costume jewelry/kitschy type stuff, but I don’t really like to spend a ton on jewelry and the likes so it’s right up my alley.

Look at what I got!


A thingie to hang my purses on.  They’re all shoved in a corner in the back of my closet and I honestly don’t even know how many or what I have!


Can you even believe I got this little lunchbox for $10.95?!  These are almost $30 on the BUILT website!  When I got home I was looking at it I realized that it was priced wrong, which is why it was only 10 bucks.  The price tag said that it was a camera case.  Oh well!


Clippies!  I lose these things so fast it’s not even funny.  It’s like they just disappear!


Fun earrings!  And also that little pair of studs in the background- I needed some for every day wear.


Another clippie!  This one has a little decoration on it- fancy!


Fancy elastic hair band thing.  I forsee lots of poytails seeing that some days I will be getting up around 4 am to make it to a 8am class (stupid commutes in stupid rush hour traffic!)

That’s all, I found a couple of purses that I really wanted and they were extremely reasonably priced, BUT I decided that first I should take inventory of what I already have and see if I actually need another purse or not.  I can always go back and get one, but their return policy isn’t that great- store credit only. 


Today’s breakfast was fun!  I’ve had this almost empty jar of Barney Butter for months but I didn’t want to throw it away because it seemed so wasteful (that stuff is like 10 bucks a jar!).  I saw on a blog somewhere that someone had put their oats into the almost empty jar and the PB melted right in.  Oh WOW was this a great idea!!  AND I didn’t have to waste any Barney Butter!



In my oats…

  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/4 cup oat bran
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup agua   

cuppa joe!



It was so filling, I couldn’t even finish it all!

Then I worked on paying bills.   Blech!  And my internet was so awesomely slow that it took like two hours to get it all done/checkbook balanced!  Sheesh.  After that I needed a nice long bath.   After that I was feeling kinda lazy so I lounged around for a bit and watched some I Love Lucy re-runs.

Then it was lunch time!  My version of a “cheeseburger” salad:


  • organic spring mix
  • radish
  • tomato
  • honey mustard
  • Amy’s Texas Burger, chopped up on top
  • sprinkle of sharp cheddar


Then the news about the financial aid came through so I had TONS of paperwork that I had to do.  It took forever and I’ve pretty much just now finished.

So much for the day that I had planned.  I was going to clean up and organize around the house today, but it didn’t really work out.  Ah well.  Now I don’t feel like cleaning.  My tummy is weird so I’m going to have some peppermint tea and see if that helps.  We shall see.
