Archives for July 2009


What a day!  I typed out half of this post earlier today about how nothing was going on and life was boring, etc…  But then crazy-ness ensued!  lol, well not really, but for as little as I have going on right now it was my version of crazyness.  So it turns out that my financial aid was approved after all for school next year!  Woohoo!  I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to get anything at all and some money came through after all!!!!  What a total relief to have school taken care of.  Now I won’t have to worry continuously about money next year and I can focus on school.  Now we won’t have to be stressed and Justin won’t have to get a second job (he’s been talking about it, but I won’t let him.  His job is hard enough and he works such long hours as it is) and I won’t have to try to work and  go to school full time at the same time.  I can just focus on studying and getting kickass grades so that I can get into the internship of my choice and the master’s program that I want.   Whew! 

I’m soooo excited for school to get started that I feel giddy!


I had a fun little field trip yesterday- Sam Moon!!  I had never been, but there’s been one in Fort Worth for like 2 yrs.  It’s just purses/costume jewelry/kitschy type stuff, but I don’t really like to spend a ton on jewelry and the likes so it’s right up my alley.

Look at what I got!


A thingie to hang my purses on.  They’re all shoved in a corner in the back of my closet and I honestly don’t even know how many or what I have!


Can you even believe I got this little lunchbox for $10.95?!  These are almost $30 on the BUILT website!  When I got home I was looking at it I realized that it was priced wrong, which is why it was only 10 bucks.  The price tag said that it was a camera case.  Oh well!


Clippies!  I lose these things so fast it’s not even funny.  It’s like they just disappear!


Fun earrings!  And also that little pair of studs in the background- I needed some for every day wear.


Another clippie!  This one has a little decoration on it- fancy!


Fancy elastic hair band thing.  I forsee lots of poytails seeing that some days I will be getting up around 4 am to make it to a 8am class (stupid commutes in stupid rush hour traffic!)

That’s all, I found a couple of purses that I really wanted and they were extremely reasonably priced, BUT I decided that first I should take inventory of what I already have and see if I actually need another purse or not.  I can always go back and get one, but their return policy isn’t that great- store credit only. 


Today’s breakfast was fun!  I’ve had this almost empty jar of Barney Butter for months but I didn’t want to throw it away because it seemed so wasteful (that stuff is like 10 bucks a jar!).  I saw on a blog somewhere that someone had put their oats into the almost empty jar and the PB melted right in.  Oh WOW was this a great idea!!  AND I didn’t have to waste any Barney Butter!



In my oats…

  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/4 cup oat bran
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup agua   

cuppa joe!



It was so filling, I couldn’t even finish it all!

Then I worked on paying bills.   Blech!  And my internet was so awesomely slow that it took like two hours to get it all done/checkbook balanced!  Sheesh.  After that I needed a nice long bath.   After that I was feeling kinda lazy so I lounged around for a bit and watched some I Love Lucy re-runs.

Then it was lunch time!  My version of a “cheeseburger” salad:


  • organic spring mix
  • radish
  • tomato
  • honey mustard
  • Amy’s Texas Burger, chopped up on top
  • sprinkle of sharp cheddar


Then the news about the financial aid came through so I had TONS of paperwork that I had to do.  It took forever and I’ve pretty much just now finished.

So much for the day that I had planned.  I was going to clean up and organize around the house today, but it didn’t really work out.  Ah well.  Now I don’t feel like cleaning.  My tummy is weird so I’m going to have some peppermint tea and see if that helps.  We shall see.




Pecan Pie Cookies

I have no idea where the original recipe for these came from.  It was one of those recipes that I randomly found on the internet one day and printed it off.  I’ve had it forever and have been meaning to try them.  This recipe I am posting I have adapted a bit from the original recipe and you can change it to fit your taste as you please.  These taste just like pecan pie Larabars!!


3/4 cup pecans
1/4 cup almonds
1 cup pitted dates
1 tsp cinnamon

Put nuts in food processor and grind until it forms crumbs.  Add dates and cinnamon and pulse until it forms a consistency that will stick together.  (You may need to add a tsp of water if it’s not sticking together).

Form into balls (I got 14 of them, but you can do whatever size you want and make them bigger or smaller).

You could leave them in balls or smoosh them flat to look like a cookie (up to you).  Put them on some wax paper and pop into the freezer or fridge until they are firm.


Nutrition Information (for a batch with 14 cookies):

Serving size- 1 cookie
Calories- 88
fat- 5.6g




Happy Friday!

I could NOT sleep last night!  It’s weird because around 10:00 I started getting sleepy, so I read a little and headed to bed around 10:30ish.  As soon as I went to bed I was suddenly wide awake!  I tossed and turned for about an hour or so before I gave up and went to the living room.  I planned out some meals for next week and made a grocery list, then red some more.  By this time it was around 4:00 and I was still wide awake.  I just gave up and went back to bed.  I think I might have finally fallen asleep around 4:30 or so.  Then I woke up wide awake around 8 (I can’t usually sleep when there’s light outside).  I can already feel myself dragging, and not getting much sleep always upsets my tummy for some reason, so I already feel that coming on and a headache as well.  Sick

So I went ahead and got up around 8:30 or so and grabbed something to eat.  I was so hungry I didn’t really have the patience to wait to make something so I grabbed an awesome Blueberry Muffin that I made the other day (I’m going to have to make some more, we’re out!  Hubby declared this the best blueberry muffin that he has EVER had.  You should have seen his face when he took the first bite- it was like it was Christmas or something, LOL)



Then I made a big ole pot of coffee Coffee-cup Coffee-cup Coffee-cup (I’m pretty sure I’ll need it today!)


A little bit later I made a piece of Ez 4:9 raisin bread with BUTTER.  This bread is good without butter, but SOOOO good with it!  Mmmmmmm…butter!  (BTW- there’s nothing wrong with a little butter, so long as your not eating the whole stick like Paula Dean)



I better ramp up the fruits and veggies later today cause that’s a pretty carb-a-licious breakfast! lol


Right now I’m about to grab the Duvet cover out of the dryer, finish changing the sheets, grab a little lunch (an Amy’s Texas Burger, baked chips, and a piece of fruit of some sort), then I’m going to head to the grocery store for this weeks groceries.  I usually go on Saturdays, but tomorrow we’re having lunch/dinner with Justin’s family so I won’t have time to go tomorrow.  No biggie, I didn’t really have much planned for today.


rainy morning!

Umbrella  We finally got a little shower!  Lighting  We need more, though.  It’s SOOOO dry!  And yesterday it hit 102!  The summer grass fires have started and I get a little nervous during this time of year because across the street from me are some woods and a train track.  A few yrs ago there was a huge grass fire started RIGHT across the street from my house from some sparks from the train tracks.  It was scary.  I got home from work and there were fire trucks parked in my driveway.  I was freaking out because I thought my house was on fire!  Stuff is replaceable, I wasn’t that worried about my stuff – I was so worried about the cat and the dog.  They are priceless and so much more important than a house and stuff.  Luckily they caught it before it spread.  Thank goodness for the wonderful fire department we have!

Anyhoo, I’m doing some rain dances over here today if anyone cares to join in!  LOL

It’s kindof a lazy day around here.  I’m still hanging around in bed catching up on my blogging and watching some season DVDs of I Love Lucy.  I’ve been neglecting my blog so much lately. Sad

For breakfast I whipped up some cottage cheese in my magic bullet and topped it with some blueberries.  I also had one of the awesome blueberry muffins I made yesterday with some almond butter smeared on it!  Served up with some coffee!





I got this almond butter at Costco the other day.  This HUGE jar for $6.49!!  The small jars are $11-12 at whole foods- what a steal!!  And it’s delish, AND it doesn’t get all hard in the fridge!  It stays nice and creamy and stir-able.



I think I’m all caught up on the blogging now.  Wow, I wasn’t sure that was possible, lol.

See you at lunch!

Mama Mia!

Well, I had a whole post yesterday, but being the genius that I am, I didn’t save it before I tried to publish it and my sucky internet froze up whilst I was trying to publish and I lost the whole post!  I’ll try to recap real quick- it won’t be as good as the post I lost, but I’ll give it a go.

I’ll just post pictures and give comments on the pics instead of commentating the whole day.

A quick trip to the grocery…

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Did you know that Dr Kracker’s are made right here in Dallas?!  I had no idea!  I don’t usually buy them because they are really expensive, but when I found that out I had to get some.  The pumpkin seed cheddar doesn’t disappoint!  Very tasty!  And pretty filling for a kracker!  I’m going to have to arrange a visit of some sort since they’re right here next to me!

I gave the amazing grass another go (last time I tried it, it upset my tummy.  I got a sample pack again to try it again and it was all good this time so I went back to get a tub of it.)  The chocolate flavor is so good!  I mix it with vanilla almond milk and it tastes just like chocolate milk, not “green” at all.




This was my last Ez 4:9 tortilla. Crying

In my quesadilla was black beans, cheddar, onions, bell pepper.  Toppins included salsa, big dollop of greek yogurt, and jalapenos!  SOOOO good and I just LOVE how filling those Ez 4:9 tortillas are!


This was supposed to be dessert, but it was NOT BUENO!  I only had about 3 bites and I chunked it.  This is the only SO Delicious product I’ve ever tried that I didn’t like.  Oh well, there was bound to be something, lol.


Consumed this on my way to workout with my trainer.  I haven’t worked out like that in weeks, my arms are so sore I can barely lift them!



When I got home from the gym it was PIZZA TIME!  I think this was the best one to date!!

I used this recipe for the dough (it’s the only one I use now.  I’ve searched the world over for a great healthy pizza crust recipe and this is it!  So hearty, but light at the same time, and crispy too!)

Toppings included mozzarella, turkey pepperoni, caramelized onions, and bell peppers. YUM!



I also made a great salad!  With toasted almonds, dried cranberries, feta, and light raspberry vinaigrette!

My plate!




While the pizza dough was rising, I worked on some blueberry muffins.  I’ve been meaning to make these for days and I finally got around to it.  Here’s the recipe.  I get so many great recipes and ideas from this blog, it’s my favorite!  Mine weren’t as pretty as hers, but they are MIGHTY tasty! Mine turned out a little darker because I used organic sucanat instead of cane sugar, and sucanat is about the same color as brown sugar.  They still tasted fabulous though.  Next time I might try it with some regular old cane sugar.  I don’t usually keep it in the house though…



