Archives for September 15, 2009

Word to your mother

Tuesday=hell day.

I have 5ish hrs between classes and can’t go home since I commute.  It sucks.  I pretty much lock myself into one of the study rooms here in the library and get to work.  I even eat my lunch in here!

The only fun part of it was that I downloaded Ice, Ice Baby and have listened to it like 100 times.  Love that song.

Thank GOD for wireless internet on every inch of this campus!!

Wakeup call this morning was 4:30 (so freaking early, but the traffic is SUPER light when I hit the road at 6).  And breakfast was consumed on the road.




WW English Muffin with whipped cream cheese.  There was also a large coffee!

This did NOT fill me up.  No kidding 30 mins into my drive I was STARVING (my stomach was doing some serious growling for the next 3 hrs!).  I may try oatmeal tomorrow.

When I got done with Chemistry lab this morning I headed off to the Library to find my hidey-hole.  It was only 11 but I decided to have lunch early because my stomach had been growling for 3 hrs and it was making me feel a little sick.

Can’t go wrong with a good ole PB& J!



With strawberry preserves and a peach the size of my head!

And my food prep lab manual! lol

I worked on my lab report whilst I munched.  Then 30 mins later my stomach was grrrrowling again (what’s going ON today?) so I had a little snack bar.

Gosh these things are so good!  It really does taste just like a brownie (although my husband would disagree.  He says guys are brownie experts and that he can tell the difference.  silly boy.)



I’m so glad I threw this in my bag on the way out the door this morning.  I had no idea I’d be so HUNGRY today!

Lab reports ensued.

Then a quick dance party in my study room (kidding).

Then Chemistry homework (it’s online and incredibly frustrating- I swear some of their answers are wrong!!).

Now I’m off to Intro to Nutrition.  Should be fun- my professor is Irish and talks so fast I can’t understand a thing he says!! 

See ya for dinner!