Archives for April 5, 2010

A light at the end of this semester’s tunnel…


I’m not gonna lie- this semester has been HELL!  It’s amazing how one class can throw your life out of whack so much, isn’t it?  But I did get props from my advisor today for getting that class out of the way early in the game- she said most people tend to put it off as long as possible.  It’s not the most dreaded class in the curriculum for nothing, LOL!!!

Met with my advisor this morning to hammer out my schedule for the Summer and Fall semesters.  I think we got it mostly worked out, but I STILL can’t seem to get Anatomy and Physiology to fit into my schedule.  Every single one of the lab time options for that class conflict with every single other class that I have- grr!  I was supposed to take it this semester, but the same darn thing happened!  I’m starting to feel like I’m not meant to take that class- though I have to take it to be able to get into some of the senior level nutrition classes.  Not sure what I’m going to do about this class… maybe it will be OK if I make it top priority in the Spring next year?  This class is starting to become the bane of my existence!

This summer I’m going to take Nutrition for Women and Business Management.  Both online classes so NO DRIVING!!!!  YAY!!  This will save me a LOT of money this summer- so awesome!

Then in the fall I’ll most likely be taking Community Nutrition, Nutrition in the Life Cycle, Food Microbiology, and Bionutrition.  Was supposed to take A&P, but of course can’t seem to get it in my schedule.  All nutrition classes and only ONE lab!!  Pretty exciting stuff!



Now for something completely different.  My mom sent a few of these home with me yesterday after lunch and I decided to try one today.  It’s like the laughing cow cheese wedges.  I could pronounce all of the ingredients and they are only 30 calories to I decided to give them a whirl.

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They were excellent!  I think I may have to purchase some of them.  I ate one with some triscuits, but they would probably be good as a sandwich spread (like instead of mayo), on a wrap, or with some crunchy veggies- mmmmm, crunchy veggies!


I’m off to study for a yucky test that I have on Wednesday!  Adios!