Archives for April 13, 2010

Vegetarian Label Lingo

Vegetarian Label Lingo…

The first post under the new Healthy Living section of the blog! I thought that I would start it off with some vegetarian information.

Not all vegetarians are the same- there are many different types of vegetarians.

Here they are!

Lacto-Ovo vegetarians exclude meat, fish, and poultry but include dairy products, eggs, and foods made from these ingredients. Most vegetarians fall into this category.

Lacto vegetarians exclude meat, fish, and poultry, as well as eggs and any foods containing eggs. Lacto vegetarians do, however, eat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.

Vegans avoid eating and using all animal products- meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and any foods containing any of these ingredients. They also won’t use wool, silk, leather, or any nonfood items made from animal byproducts. Some also avoid honey. Vegan is used to describe not just the diet, but also the lifestyle.

These are the major types of vegetarians, though there are more including semi-vegetarian or flexitarian (cutting back on intake of meat in general), raw foods diet (consists of uncooked foods- fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts), fruitarian (consists of fruits and vegetables that are botanically considered fruits, and seeds and nuts), and macrobiotic (excludes animal products except for seafood, refined sugars, tropical fruits, and “nightshade” vegetables- ex: potatoes, eggplants, and peppers).

Main Street Arts Festival

So much fun!!  We had never been before so we didn’t know what to expect.  Wow, was it neat!  Basically it’s a lot of artists who set up booths and display and sell their stuff.  There was all kinds of art- we saw some really cool stuff!  We didn’t realize that they were selling stuff and we found so many things we wanted to buy- next year we’ll be going prepared to buy!!   I think that there are concerts too, but we didn’t really stick around for any of that.

We spent most of our time just walking around looking at all the different booths, so I decided to snap a few pics.


These were made out of tile!






Strange looking green man.  Justin wouldn’t let me buy him. 



We really loved this lady’s art- we decided that it fits our style.  We’d like to get something of hers- it would look perfect in our living room!




Some random musicians…



Then we had some lunch at Mi Cocina!  LOVE that place!!!  We sat out on the patio and enjoyed the nice weather.



And enjoyed some sunrise spinach enchiladas- WOW WOW WOW these were AMAZING!!!!!   The cheese sauce was so rich, though, that I could only eat one.  And the little salad that was on there was out of this world- crunchy cabbage, carrots, and cucumbers with a dressing that was a little sweet and a little tangy.  Mmmmm, my mouth started watering just thinking about it!  I heart Mi Cocina!



And of course it’s mandatory to take pictures of the Bass Hall anytime you go to Sundance Square!  😀

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Good times!  Can’t wait to go back next year!!