Archives for October 28, 2010

Getting organized

My refrigerator was a mess!  So I decided to reorganize it!  I hauled everything out, cleaned it, then put everything back in in a more organized fashion.

First of all, I think I might just have one of the smallest refrigerators ever invented.  Seriously.  And the freezer is about the size of a shoe box, but that’s a whole ‘nother story all together!  But refrigerators are expensive and when I have one that works just fine it doesn’t make much sense to buy a new one.  So I just cram as much into it as I can.  I didn’t even take a before picture- it was that bad.  But here are some after pics.



I like to label things.  I’m a labeling fool- no joke.  I also really like those clear shoe boxes you can get in the storage area at Target.  Otherwise I just end up cramming things in wherever I can find room, which means utter chaos.  I also end up having a lot of things go bad when the fridge isn’t organized because things get buried and I end up forgetting about them.

DSCF3159 On the top shelf I’ve got some fruits, cheese/hummus/the husbands lunch meat (eww!  I’m trying to wean him off of that nasty stuff, but it’s slow going), and my already washed and prepped veggies for salads (great tip: get your veggies chopped and ready to go for the week- it saves time giving you some healthy grab-and-go options!)

On the middle shelf I’ve got my soy yogurts/tofutti sour cream and cream cheese, my salad mixes/spinach, and my veggies for meals during the week.


DSCF3160 And on the bottom shelf I’ve got my bread, whole wheat pita pockets(hiding under the bread), some leftover pumpkin, cauliflower, my flax and chia seeds, coconut milk coffee creamer, and almond milk(yum!)  I think there’s a beer peeking out at the back there too!


Condiments and whatnot.


I feel so much better now that my fridge is all organized!  Now doesn’t that make you want to go clean out your fridge?!