Archives for October 19, 2010

Banana Bread

Best banana bread recipe eva!!  Try it- you won’t be disappointed!

Banana Bread

(Print this recipe!)

1 3/4 cups flour (I use half regular flour and half quinoa flour)
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup mashed bananas (2-3 bananas)
1/2 cup canola oil or applesauce
equivalent of two eggs (use ener-g egg replacer or two “flax eggs”)
1/3 cup almond or soy milk
1/2 ish cup chopped walnuts (optional)


Preheat oven to 325 F.

Mix flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl.

Mix bananas, oil or applesauce, and milk in another mixing bowl.

Combine the banana mixture with the large bowl containing dry ingredients.  Add the egg replacer or “flax eggs” and stir until combined.

Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake in 325 F oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until a toothpick in the middle comes out clean.





New stuff in my shop!

The Vita-Mix…the mac daddy of all blenders!  Everyone should own one of these babies!  It’s so much more than just a blender- I’m predicting world domination soon.  😉


Get it here!


Nutritional yeast- full of b-vitamins and tastes wonderfully nutty and cheesy!  I sprinkle it on my popcorn, stir it into my mac and cheese as well as into my grits and polenta.  Nom nom nom!!

nutritional yeaast

Get it here!


Love my pyrex!  Enough said- everyone knows what pyrex is!


Get it here!


Juicer!  You NEED a juicer- and this is one of the top of the line brands!  Makes a glass of juice in 5 seconds flat.  The fresh stuff tastes SO much better than the stuff you buy from the store, and it’s BETTER for you too!!!


Get it here!


Cast Iron Skillet!  EVERYONE should have one of these bad boys in their kitchen!  They make THE. BEST. grilled cheeses!  Enough said.  Buy one now.


Get it here!


Okie doke!  That’s it for now- I’ll be adding lots more stuff soon- stay tuned!


First I want to send out apologies for not posting in such a very long time!!  I think I’ve finally got the hang of my schedule this semester and I’m able to balance everything a bit better, so my posting should be fairly regular from now on.  But I’m going to post some recipes this afternoon to make up for my lack of blogging!


So what’s been going on lately?  It’s been super crazy around here.  I got hosed by financial aid this year, so I have to have a job now.  It’s been really really hard balancing working and studying.  Because of that I had to drop a class.  A&P got the ax.  I felt bad for dropping it because I did really well on the first test (well above the class average!), but I put a lot of thought into it and logically that was the one that needed to go.  I’ll take it next semester instead.  It may put me behind a semester, but it’s all good.

My classes are all going very good so far this semester- I have all A’s so far!!  My goal is a 4.0 this semester and I’m well on my way to meeting that goal!  My favorite class is life cycle nutrition.  Love the teacher- she is an excellent lecturer.  She makes things interesting that would typically be pretty boring (except for all the hormone stuff- there’s not much that could make that more interesting, LOL!)

Anyhoo!  I’m going to post some recipes really soon, and I’m also about to add some more stuff to my open sky shop!  Stay tuned!!!