Archives for February 24, 2011

Slow cooker BBQ tofu

Oh no she didn’t!

Oh yes I did!!

Back when I ate animals I used to make shredded BBQ chicken all the time.  It was quite easy.  But being a Texas gal I’ve been missing that BBQ flavor lately, so I decided to try something similar with tofu.  It turned out great- I was super impressed!  Though I loved this and will definitely make it again and again I think I’m going to try it with tempeh next time(that was actually the husbands idea- can you believe it?!), I think it will give it a little more of a meaty “chew”, know what I mean?  We’ll see what happens!

Here’s the version with tofu…

Slow cooker BBQ tofu

1 block of tofu
1-ish jar of your favorite BBQ sauce(I used about 3/4 of the jar)

Drain your tofu and press as much water out of it as you can (this can be accomplished in many ways- I just like to put it between kitchen towels and press on it with something heavy)

Cut your tofu into cubes(they don’t have to be perfect) and throw ‘em in your slow cooker.

IMG_2495 IMG_2496

Pour in your BBQ sauce…



Let it go on low for about 5ish hours, or on high for around 3.  Then stir it and kind of chop it up with your stirring utensil until it’s in small chunks and looks like chopped BBQ.




Serve it up on a whole wheat bun with your choice of fixings- I used mustard and pickles.

Serve with your favorite side- I did sweet potato fries, but potato salad would also be awesome!







Happy snacking!