Archives for April 2011

Cinnamon Raisin French Toast

Dear baby Jesus this is amazing!  And of course if I’m making it, it’s simple!  You can use any cinnamon raisin bread for this recipe but I really like the Ezekiel 4:9 cinnamon raisin bread for this because it’s very hearty! 




Let’s get right to it, shall we?

Cinnamon Raisin French Toast

(Print this recipe!)

6 slices Ezekiel 4:9 cinnamon raisin bread
1 cup almond milk
2 1/2 Tablespoons flour
Dash of cinnamon


Whisk together almond milk, flour, and cinnamon.

Dip bread into the mixture, allowing a few seconds of soak time on each side because the bread is so hearty.



Into the (nonstick) pan it goes!  (Pan should be heated to medium)

Let it brown well on the first side before you try to flip it over or you will end up with a really big mess.

Flip ‘er over and let brown on the other side.


As I get done with each piece I like to put it in a pan in a 250 F oven so that it stays nice and crisp and warm!

Top with whatever toppings you want- I did a drizzle of maple syrup, shredded coconut, and a big glob of almond butter!  Any fresh fruit or nut butter would make a great topping!




I’m so in love with these!  Hope you are too!


Smokey Portabella Burgers

You are going to fall in LOVE with this one!  This is just amazingly easy to make and so very tasty!  My husband loves these and always asks me to make them.  Back  in the day when I used to eat dairy (eww!) I used to make this with a smoked Gouda cheese.  Now I make them with Daiya mozzarella style vegan cheese (Daiya should really pay me for this, haha- I love their stuff!) and I think they taste even better!  I’m going to go ahead and apologize for my picture quality- I was making this really late at night so I couldn’t get any grill shots and we were starving so I really rushed through the picture taking!

Smokey Portabella Burgers

(Print this recipe!)

BBQ Rub(recipe follows)
Portabella mushrooms (the number will depend on how many you are wanting to make)
Daiya Mozzarella style cheese
Burger Buns
BBQ sauce
Whatever burger fixings you like


Fire up the grill and clean up your mushrooms (I like to scrape the gills out because I think they’re oogey, but you can leave them in if you like)

Rub your shrooms with a little olive or canola oil so that the rub will stick

Sprinkle them with your BBQ rub and massage it in a bit.


Grill on both sides until mushrooms are soft.

Sprinkle the gill side with your cheese and let it get all melty.

Serve on a bun that has been slathered in BBQ sauce with your favorite burger fixings- sometimes I like to smother in caramelized onions- yummmm!


We also served this with baked sweet potatoes.





(Print this recipe!)

2 Tablespoons light brown sugar
2 Tablespoons smoked sweet paprika (this is the KEY to the whole rub!  It’s essential!)
1 Tablespoon ground black pepper
1 Tablespoon coarse sea salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper


Combine all ingredients in small container.

Mix well.

This will make quite a bit!  Store leftovers in refrigerator.






So simple flatbread pizzas


Last week I met a couple of brand new vegans at whole foods(Hi Angiei!!!).  And it’s funny that I met them at the exact time that I did because I had tried to get to whole foods from school and ended up getting lost somewhere along the way, so I should have been there about 30 minutes earlier.  But if I had I wouldn’t have met them!  Which really makes me believe that I was supposed to bump into them and help them out!  God definitely works in mysterious ways!!

Anyway I just loved helping them- they were just so sweet and excited (which was really good for me to see because it makes me remember the reason that I choose to live this compassionate lifestyle!)  P.S. I’m coming up on my one year veganniversary and I’m going to have to do something fabulous to celebrate!!

I talked them into buying some of my favorite brand of wraps- California Lavash!


I told them about the hummus wraps that I am addicted to that I make from these wraps, but I wanted to come up with something else to do with them, so here it is- behold the beauty of the flatbread pizza!!!  (P.S. they also make a flatbread specifically for pizza, it’s a bit thicker than their regular flatbread)


So simple flatbread pizzas

(Print this recipe!)

California Lavash wraps (or whatever kind of wraps you like)
Pizza or tomato sauce (whatever kind you like)
toppings of choice (we used caramelized onions and sautéed mushrooms)
Daiya Mozzarella style cheese


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Place flatbreads on a baking sheet

Top with sauce (don’t do too much- you don’t want your flatbread to get soggy!) and other toppings of choice.


Place into oven for around 5-8 minutes.  Really watch them- they burn easily!  When they start getting brown around the edges they’re done!



Slice them up however you want and serve with a nice salad on the side.

What a lovely easy dinner!


Meal Planning

I thought it might be nice to do a post on menu planning since it’s something I do every week.  I’ve done this pretty much as long as I can remember.  I used to just plan out my dinners, but I would find myself not satisfied with my breakfasts, lunches, and I would never have anything around that was good for snacks.  So I devised a new system.  I’ve played with this a lot over the last year or so, finally coming up with something that works well for me.

Why should you plan your meals?

There are a few really good reasons that you should do this. 

1) It’s less expensive.  If you have everything you are going to eat for the week planned out you know exactly what you need for the whole week when you go to the grocery store.  You’re much less likely to have to run back to the store to get one or two items.  And let’s face it, we may go in for one item but do we ever really come out with just one thing?  My point exactly!

2) You’re more likely to eat healthy if you have your house stocked up for the week with lovely healthy items!  You’re much less likely to make poor choices food-wise if you have everything at hand that you need for a nutritious meal.

3) It saves time!  You don’t have to think, “Crap, what am I going to make for dinner tonight?!”.  And you won’t have to wonder what you’re going to have for breakfast when you wake up a little late, you just look at your plan.  You even know what’s coming up the next day and you can coordinate that with your schedule in case you need to prep some items (like pre-soaking your beans or pre-chopping all of your veggies)

Getting organized…

I created a template for myself in Word.  It lists all the days and meals.  Every week I print one out and start planning away. (I’m a pen and paper kind of girl, but I’m sure there are many programs online that you can just plug it in and print it out.  This is just the way I prefer to do it)  It looks like this…




I always do it in pencil because I usually change my mind 100 times before it’s set in stone.  Or I’ll forget that I have work that evening and I will need to pack my dinner to take with me.

In the notes section I’ll write down when I have something going on a particular evening and if I need a “quick grab” dinner (this is what I call something I can wrap up and take in the car with me to eat on the way to my destination).  Usually that’s just a Tuesday evening occurrence because I have community band rehearsals that last all evening- if I don’t eat something on the way to rehearsal I’ll be way too hungry by the time I get home!

In the cookbooks/source section I’ll write down the name of the cookbook if I got the recipe from one along with the page number.  If it’s a recipe I printed out from a website I’ll write that in.  If it’s one of my creations or a meal that doesn’t need a recipe (like spaghetti) I just leave it blank.

I also don’t always write my meals out in complete detail.  Like for breakfast I might put something like “oatmeal OR english muffin OR cereal”  that way if I wake up really late and I know I don’t have time to make oatmeal I can take an english muffin or some toast to go.  And it’s always understood to me that I include a piece of fruit of some sort with breakfast (usually a banana), so I don’t really need to write it out.

Also you might have noticed my week starts on Friday…that’s because it’s my grocery shopping day and it’s payday!  I used to go grocery shopping on Saturdays but I work weekends now and I’m so exhausted by the time I get off of work that I don’t really care about groceries.


The grocery list

You need to make a list before you go to the grocery store.  If you go in there empty handed you are just looking for trouble my friend!  You will buy things you don’t need and you won’t remember the things that you do need.  Make a list and stick to it!  Your wallet and your sanity will thank you.

I also made a template for my grocery list because I like everything organized by department- it makes my trip to the grocery store much more efficient.

Here’s what my template looks like…


I tweak this template all the time.  It’s been very helpful to me!


I just finished next weeks, here’s what it looks like!  (apparently the lighting in my office isn’t very good for picture taking)





I put my templates in google docs if anyone wants to use them- just tweak them however you need to!

Weekly Menu Plan

Grocery List


Thanks for tuning in!

Till next time…


April Fitness Challenge!

I decided to do a fitness challenge for myself this month since I’ve been working out a lot lately!

This challenge is inspired by Laura!


My first goal is to workout 5 days/week, giving myself 2 rest days.

Running:  This month my goal is to run 30 miles minimum.  At the 5K I’m doing my goal is to make a new PR for myself. I’m also going to do some sprints and some speed work this month to try to pick up my pace.  I will be running 3 times a week.

Strength training: I need to do more of it.  Right now I’m only really doing weights on Thursdays.  So I’ll be adding another day/week to that this month.  So Tues/Thurs will be strength training and I’ll be doing them along with my runs for the week.

Kickboxing and Spin Classes:  I need to go!  Kickboxing is the reason I joined the gym!  I have loved this class since I set foot into it.  The instructor is a kick ass ex military guy and I burn soooo many calories having him kick my butt!  The class is Monday evenings and stuff keeps coming up, but now that my school load is a little lighter I am intent on getting back into it!  And spin is a great leg workout for me.  I will be going to each once a week.


Getting Organized

So to organize myself a little, I printed a blank calendar from Word.  Yes, I know google and yahoo have calendars online but I’m a paper and pen kind of girl.  I need to write it on paper and have it there in front of me to make it work.  It’s just how I roll!

Then I planned out my workouts for the month!



Each week looks like this:

Monday:  Kickboxing

Tuesday: Run/weights

Wednesday: Spin

Thursday: Run/weights

Friday: Run

Saturday:  REST

Sunday: REST

Tada!  I’m fairly proud of my goals for the month!

My husband is also doing his own fitness challenge (cause I’m making him, haha).  His goals aren’t as hard core as mine, but they’re exactly what he needs.


If both of us meet our goals, we get to go to a Rangers game!  (money’s tight around here- no room in the budget for anything more extravagant than that!)  However if I meet my goals(cause I will- I don’t back down. Ever.) and my husband does not (he gives up easily on exercise, but I really really hope that he doesn’t this time!) I get a mani/pedi and maybe I’ll just go to that Rangers game with a friend instead!  Open-mouthed smile


Anyone else want to make some fitness goals with us?  There’s room at that Ranger’s game for more people!!!