Archives for July 22, 2011

Fitness Friday: bum toe addition

So last week’s Fitness Friday didn’t really work out too well.  I think I was a bit too ambitious with my workouts.

On Friday I went to work and I could barely get my foot into my shoe.  It was a miserable evening at work.  I came home, iced my foot and got up and tried to go in on Saturday.  I couldn’t get my foot into the shoes I had worn the day before so I put on the only shoes I could get on- they were a pair of canvas slip-ons.  Bad bad bad idea.  I had no longer been there an hour and some lady runs over my foot (the one with the broken toe of course) with a shopping cart.  (seriously the people that shop there are incredibly rude- this is not the first time I’ve gotten hit with a shopping cart).  I didn’t finish the day out- I went home in tears and told them I wouldn’t be back the next day either.  The next day my whole foot was swollen.  It was horrible!

Suffice it to say I didn’t work out this week.  This broken toe hurts so much worse than the last time I broke it.  The bruising is pretty much gone (thanks Kenisio tape!!!) but it still hurts incredibly badly! 

So this week here’s my plan:

  • Continue to see (on a day-by-day basis) if it feels comfortable enough to walk on with a shoe on.  If it does, go for a walk.  Even if it’s a short one!
  • If I cant wear a shoe I can’t go to the gym.  So this week I’m planning to do some weights at home (I have 5 and 10 lb weights).

That’s all I got!

I am so ready for this stupid toe to heal.  I WANNA RUN!!!


Anyone got anything fun planned for workouts this week??
