back to school…

My week and a half of awesome-ness is over and I had to go back to work today.  If anyone doesn’t know, we had around 11 confirmed cases of swine flu at my school so they shut us down!  And we don’t have to make up the days.

I really really didn’t want to go back, but guess what?  There are only 13 days left of school!!!

When I woke up this morning I was craving oatmeal, so I had some.


In my bowl this morning…

  • 1/3 cup oats
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 T barney butter
  • 1 T dried cranberries/pomegranates

Oh yeah, and a cup of spring blend coffee!

Then it was off to work.  Today passed without incident.  It’s musical time (every spring I show the kids a musical.  I usually save it for the last few weeks of school.)  They are watching Annie and they really seem to be enjoying it- no behavior problems at all.

I was starving by lunch so I had a yummy salad.


on my salad…

  • lettuce/spinach
  • light greek vinaigrette (my FAV!)
  • 3/4 ounce blue cheese (I picked up an awesome Danish Blue for less that $3 at Whole Foods the other day!)
  • 2 chicken strips leftover from yesterday’s lunch (recipe coming soon!)

So good!

I just got home and I was hungry (when am I not?!) so I grabbed a Chobani and had a snack.


And now it’s time for the gym!  I’m headed out to cardio kickboxing- adios!!


  1. Kara Ramsey says:

    There’s a picture!

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