Archives for June 6, 2009

Queen of the grill!

That was me tonight!  I was a grillomaniac.  Today was a frustrating day.  First, the speedometer thingie on my bike stopped working.  So I have no idea how far I rode today, I just guessed about 10 miles.  I need to dig up the users manual and see what’s going on with it!  Then I totally screwed up my schedule for next semester.  A class that I had waitlisted opened up, so I signed up for it.  That sent my whole schedule out of wack and I had to re-register for everything.  I worked on it for a good 2 hrs (our internet suuuucks), but I gave up and went to starbucks to use the internet there.  I got it fixed pretty quickly and now my schedule is no longer messed up.  I didn’t end up being able to fit in that waitlisted class.  What a serious waste of my time- that took up a large chunk of my day.

Here’s what I’m taking next semester.  I ended up having a class from 4-5:20, which is going to suck big time because of traffic and my commute, but I didn’t get much of a choice because there weren’t many classes that were still open.  The rest of the school has already registered, and we were among the last to get to register yesterday.

Anyhoo, here’s what I’m taking…

  • Food Prep Principles (and lab)
  • Intro to Nutrition
  • Statistics
  • Chemistry (and lab)

It doesn’t seem like alot, but the labs take up sooo much time!  Except for the whole class lasting till 5:20 thing I’m fairly content with my schedule.  I’m not really looking forward to Chemistry, but there will be more than one so I just have to accept it and realize that I will have to study really really hard to make a decent grade.

I am also in desperate need of a prayer for my financial aid if anyone has a spare one!  If I get turned down for some reason I will be taking one class at a time and working somewhere horrid for the next 20 years.

I only have pics from dinner to share tonight.  It was a great dinner though!  I went into a grilling frenzy and grilled up everything I could get my hands on!   I wish we could afford a nicer grill, but we’re having to make do with our cheapy charcoal one from walmart for now.  Oh well, at least we have something!

Here’s what I grilled tonight…


  • Chicken  (2 pieces with BBQ sauce, and 2 pieces with some grill seasoning)
  • shrimp (with a sprinkle of grill seasoning)

Whatever didn’t get eaten tonight shall become fair game in the fridge tomorrow!  Leftovers don’t last long around here.

Here was my plate:


  • Some of the BBQ chicken
  • a skewer of shrimp
  • roasted broccoli
  • quinoa  (I mixed in a little BBQ sauce as I was eating it and it was to die for!)

and dessert was a scoop of this raspberry frozen yogurt that I made this afternoon.  (the recipe came from my clean eating magazine).  It was pretty good, not quite sweet enough for me, lol.


Well, I guess that’s about it.  I’m going to keep it short and sweet tonight- my brain is tired!
