Archives for June 30, 2009

Lazy Bum

That’s me since my last day of work.  I don’t know what my deal is, but it’s driving me nuts!  I think I’m just so bored that I end up sitting on the couch all day doing nothing.  I can’t even seem to keep up with my blog very well.  I don’t think I took a single picture yet today.  I’ll try to redeem myself tomorrow.  I’ve decided that I’m going to try and make myself a schedule each day, that way I don’t waste my day away hanging out on the couch watching tv.

So it’s 5:00 and the only thing I’ve done today is take a long bath with a good book.  Hah.

I’m about to get up and get a few things done before the husband gets home from work.  Here are my todo’s.

  • unload and reload dishwasher
  • take clothes out of dryer- fold and put away
  • send another load through the laundry
  • start dinner

Don’t know what we’re having yet.  Probably something simple.  The Annie’s Mac and Cheese has been calling my name today!