Archives for June 17, 2009

Nada Lada

That is exactly what has been going on over here for the last few days.  Nada.  I’ve been lounging on the couch catching up on some reading.  Exciting, I know!  My food hasn’t really been anymore exciting than that, so that’s why there haven’t been many posts lately.  I’m going to try to get back on track posting regularly though.

Today for breakfast I had some of these oatmeal squares.  They were really good and I wasn’t even hungry until lunch!



Then there was more lounging and reading until lunch time.

For lunch was a leftover morningstar farms hotdog from last night.  These things are really good, but the best part is I don’t have to worry about which parts of the little piggie got thrown into the hotdog!  Oh yeah, and I also like them because they’re only 50 calories each!

I had this guy with some Corazonas squeeze of lime chips.


close up…


Dessert was the last little scoop of this coconut ice cream (yum yum yum!)


With a handful of strawberries (I hadn’t had any friuts or veggies yet, lol)


Ate it right out of the carton!!

Then it was more nothingness/playing with the dogs.  Then I decided to get my butt up and do something so I made a quick little trip to Whole Foods and got some goodies.  I only let myself spend $20, so I didn’t come out with a whole lot of stuff, but I got a few Larabars for snacking, a watermelon, some fruit leather, some grass fed lean ground beef, some Wisconsin cheddar, and a few other things that I can’t really remember.

Then I came home and fired up the grill!

We had burgers (I also threw a few chicken breasts on for some stuff later this week).  And grilled eggplant, squash, and zucchini.


With some of that aged cheddar!


Altogether now.


And we busted into the watermelon for dessert.  This may have been the best watermelon I’ve ever had!  It was so juicy and amazing!


I went back for seconds on the watermelon.  I couldn’t help myself- it was fabulous!!

Well, I guess that I’m about caught up now!  Till tomorrow!