What a crazy day! All I did was run around like a crazy person!
I was supposed to work out with my trainer this morning bright and early, but she was sick so she cancelled on me. I decided to just hang around the house a bit instead. I spent some time menu planning for the week, making a grocery list, and watching food network. I might shred or run here in a bit, who knows!
I tried something new for breakfast this morning.

whole wheat english muffin, Fage greek yogurt, wild blueberry fruit spread
Soooooooo good!! I will definitely be having this alot! Close up…
While I was watching the Food Network I looked down and the pup was sleeping like this…
Then I made a quick wrap for lunch before heading out the door to do some grocery shopping.

grilled chicken, sharp cheddar, lettuce, annies honey mustard
Then I headed off to the grocery store. I’ve been obsessed with the mexican market lately, so that’s exactly where I went. Where else can you get avocados 4 for $1. Or Mangoes 3 for $1. I mean come on! I stocked up on lots of fresh produce and even came home with a sweet treat for me and the hubby (apple empanada for me and a pineapple on for him. 2 for 89 cents. For reals!) I love that place! (I hope I don’t get the swine flu though. just kidding.)
I had two more stops before I got home and I was exhausted by the time I came in the door. It’s amazing how I never used to get tired from grocery shopping but now that I’m old I do. I hate being old!
When I got home I cleaned out the fridge and unloaded my new purchases. Then I cleaned watched some more food network. That shiz is addicting!
After a while I decided to start dinner which was PIZZA! I knew it would take about an hr for the dough to rise so I went ahead and started so that the pizza would be in the oven by the time hubby got home from work.
I used this recipe and it was amazing! Seriously the best pizza dough ever and it was so freaking easy! I don’t have a mixer so I made the dough in my food processer using the dough blade. It turned out perfect! We put a little mozzerella, a little sharp cheddar, and some turkey pepperoni on it and stuck it in the oven. 15 minutes later we had this gorgeousness…
Oh man, this was so good! It was so worth it to make my own dough and not use the premade like I usually do. I am going to be dreaming about this pizza dough tonight!
Here was my plate (plus one more piece that dodged the eye of the camera. I just couldn’t help it, it was so darned good!)
After we digested a bit it was time for our sweet treats from the mexican market. I think I’ve decided that as healthy as I like to eat, life just isn’t worth living without treats now and then! Seriously I think that I might die if I didn’t get some sweet treats with plain ole sugar sometimes! Not all the time though, that’s key I think.
Here’s my apple empanada. Those Mexicans sure know how to do it! See that sugar sprinkled on top? It added the most delish little crunch. WOW! This is so worth the calories/sugar/butter!!
I may also be dreaming about that empanada tonight!
Well, I’m going to waddle my chubby butt back to the couch to digest my empanada a bit . I probably won’t workout tonight. If I workout this close to bed I’ll never go to sleep. Ah well!!