Archives for September 2009


No pictures today, I’m just not in the mood.  I took Harley to the Vet today because she had this crazy rash all over her and she had been scratching herself raw.  Well, it turns out it wasn’t a rash at all, she has a non-contagious form of mange. smile_sad  Poor girl! 

And it’s going to cost us well over 1,000 smackers to get rid of it.  Before we can even start treatment she has to be spayed (mostly because it’s time- she’s 7 months and weighs 83 lbs, but if she happens to go into heat while getting treated for the mange it will make it worse and we would have to start the treatment all over again), THEN we have to wait for her to heal from that, THEN we have to start a series of 8 dips for the mange.  We have to take her once a week and she has to stay for the whole day.  Oh and also antibiotics for the skin infection that she has from scratching.

We don’t have the money, but it has to be done.  There will be lots of praying going on around here.

Anyway, school is tough right now.  I feel like I can’t keep up.  I guess I’m just having one of those days today and I hope that tomorrow will be better!!  Until then, I think I’m going to hit the hay early to get this day over with.


Happy Friday!

Friday’s are great!  Except I have to spend my whole weekend studying.  I have three tests next week.  smile_sad


The weather has been so cool lately that I was feeling oatmeal this morning.  YUM!


  • 1/4 cup each of oats and oat bran
  • 1/2 cup each of milk and water
  • 1/2 mushed naner
  • sprinkling of coconut
  • sprinkle of chia seeds and flax
  • spoonful of PB

I couldn’t finish it all!


Then off to school I went.  Nothing interesting there.

Then home for lunch.  Lunch today was a grilled cheese sammy, some Kettle Jalapeno chips, and pickles.


Aaaand I made cookies!


These things are delish-they kindof taste like oreos!  With some milk for dipping!


Then some homework, and a quick run on the treadmill, and a nice HOT bubble bath!!

And dinner was spaghetti with meatsauce and some nice crusty, grainy bread.


so good!

Well, I’m out for the night.  I may or may not blog tomorrow, I have to hole myself up and get some studying done so that I get a decent grade on that test!


super quick post

Cause I have lots of homework to do!

Today was an eaaaaarly day so I just grabbed a quick breakfast for the road.  (I had to eat really light because we eat in food prep lab after we get done cooking our “experiments.  Just a few bites of each thing).

Clif Z bar, giganto peach, and a laaarge cup of coffee(cowboy blend from Tiger Farms Market, which is a really neat gas station/health food store that just happens to be on my way to school)  When you’re on the road at 6 am this is a necessity!

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Today in food prep lab we worked with fats.  Which basically meant frying and emulsions.  It was way fun BUT my face has been oily all day from all the grease and I smelled like the food section of the state fair all day long.  I smelled like a funnel cake!  My group made donuts,and fried zucchini with sunflower oil.  Other groups also made donuts with peanut, canola, and vegetable oils.  We were supposed to figure out the difference in taste between the different types of oils.  Luckily my partners did all of that for me because I volunteered to man the fryer.  So I got to copy all of their answers and didn’t have to consume many calories.  Sweet!

Then I was off to Dallas to see my brother.  He’s working at the clinic because he’s getting close to graduating from Chiropractic school.  It’s kindof like an internship I guess.  Anyhoo, I went to see him.  There wasn’t any time for actually getting any sort of adjustment because they have to do lots of tests and take lots of info first, but I’m going to go back next week.  I’ve been having a lot of problems with my tendonitis lately so hopefully I can get some relief soon!

Then back to school, with a stop for yogurt on the way!!!

I heart this place!

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I got cookies and cream yogurt with a little sprinkle of oreos, coconut, strawberries and kiwi.  DELISH!  The best thing is that it’s only 90 cals and zero grams fat/serving- yay!  Oh and it DOESN’T taste fat free!

Then on to Intro to Nutrition.  We talked about diarrhea, constipation, and gas today.  Awesome!  Needless to say there was lots of giggling in class today.  The instructor thought it was funny that we were giggling so much. 

On that note, I think that’s all I’ll say about class!  On the way home I stopped by the gym and hopped on the treadmill.  I’m going to do the Race for the Cure 5K in October!

Then to the house for dinner.  I made a quick little frittata with squash and goat cheese.  Served with some crusty whole wheat bread. Yum!

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Oh and a glass of this!  Sent to me by Foodbuzz- thanks dudes.  And it’s from a box, but it’s DELISH!!  I will definitely be buying more of this when I run out.  YUM!

Sauvignon Blanc

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OK, homework time!!!!


Word to your mother

Tuesday=hell day.

I have 5ish hrs between classes and can’t go home since I commute.  It sucks.  I pretty much lock myself into one of the study rooms here in the library and get to work.  I even eat my lunch in here!

The only fun part of it was that I downloaded Ice, Ice Baby and have listened to it like 100 times.  Love that song.

Thank GOD for wireless internet on every inch of this campus!!

Wakeup call this morning was 4:30 (so freaking early, but the traffic is SUPER light when I hit the road at 6).  And breakfast was consumed on the road.




WW English Muffin with whipped cream cheese.  There was also a large coffee!

This did NOT fill me up.  No kidding 30 mins into my drive I was STARVING (my stomach was doing some serious growling for the next 3 hrs!).  I may try oatmeal tomorrow.

When I got done with Chemistry lab this morning I headed off to the Library to find my hidey-hole.  It was only 11 but I decided to have lunch early because my stomach had been growling for 3 hrs and it was making me feel a little sick.

Can’t go wrong with a good ole PB& J!



With strawberry preserves and a peach the size of my head!

And my food prep lab manual! lol

I worked on my lab report whilst I munched.  Then 30 mins later my stomach was grrrrowling again (what’s going ON today?) so I had a little snack bar.

Gosh these things are so good!  It really does taste just like a brownie (although my husband would disagree.  He says guys are brownie experts and that he can tell the difference.  silly boy.)



I’m so glad I threw this in my bag on the way out the door this morning.  I had no idea I’d be so HUNGRY today!

Lab reports ensued.

Then a quick dance party in my study room (kidding).

Then Chemistry homework (it’s online and incredibly frustrating- I swear some of their answers are wrong!!).

Now I’m off to Intro to Nutrition.  Should be fun- my professor is Irish and talks so fast I can’t understand a thing he says!! 

See ya for dinner!

holy hiatus

Well, apparently I took a hiatus from blogging and didn’t realize I was doing it.  Last week was very stressful!  Little sleep was had and I didn’t even realize I had been neglecting my poor blog.smile_sad

I hope that now that I’m a little more used to my schedule I can keep up with it a little better.

This morning I was up bright and early and craving some yogurt.

So yogurt it was!


  • 1/2 cup Fage
  • 2 tsp each of flax and chia seeds
  • 2 T granola
  • 1/2 C strawberries
  • spoon

Then off to school I go.  Statistics and Chemistry(which was cancelled). 

Then home for some homework and lunch.

Lunch was some Amy’s Chili with tortilla chips to dip and sharp cheddar.



It was really good while I was eating it, but now it’s making my stomach feel funny.  Blech!


And just so you can see how big the Harley Monster has gotten….

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What a big girl!