Archives for June 2009

Nada Lada

That is exactly what has been going on over here for the last few days.  Nada.  I’ve been lounging on the couch catching up on some reading.  Exciting, I know!  My food hasn’t really been anymore exciting than that, so that’s why there haven’t been many posts lately.  I’m going to try to get back on track posting regularly though.

Today for breakfast I had some of these oatmeal squares.  They were really good and I wasn’t even hungry until lunch!



Then there was more lounging and reading until lunch time.

For lunch was a leftover morningstar farms hotdog from last night.  These things are really good, but the best part is I don’t have to worry about which parts of the little piggie got thrown into the hotdog!  Oh yeah, and I also like them because they’re only 50 calories each!

I had this guy with some Corazonas squeeze of lime chips.


close up…


Dessert was the last little scoop of this coconut ice cream (yum yum yum!)


With a handful of strawberries (I hadn’t had any friuts or veggies yet, lol)


Ate it right out of the carton!!

Then it was more nothingness/playing with the dogs.  Then I decided to get my butt up and do something so I made a quick little trip to Whole Foods and got some goodies.  I only let myself spend $20, so I didn’t come out with a whole lot of stuff, but I got a few Larabars for snacking, a watermelon, some fruit leather, some grass fed lean ground beef, some Wisconsin cheddar, and a few other things that I can’t really remember.

Then I came home and fired up the grill!

We had burgers (I also threw a few chicken breasts on for some stuff later this week).  And grilled eggplant, squash, and zucchini.


With some of that aged cheddar!


Altogether now.


And we busted into the watermelon for dessert.  This may have been the best watermelon I’ve ever had!  It was so juicy and amazing!


I went back for seconds on the watermelon.  I couldn’t help myself- it was fabulous!!

Well, I guess that I’m about caught up now!  Till tomorrow!

swamp thing

I went for a 22 mile bike ride this morning.  That’s right 22 miles!   But before I left I knew I needed a little something in my stomach, so I had a mini clif bar.


Then I set out on my way for my bike ride.  It was awesome.  At first.  It was nice and cool out so I didn’t get really sweaty, so that was nice.  The not nice part- getting chased by not one, not two, but THREE dogs!!  The third one I thought was going to pull me off of my bike!  It was a looooong hard ride (1 hr 45 mins).  There are TONS of hills around here, so it was very challenging.  I was doing really good up until around mile 15 then my knees started hurting really bad.  I’m wondering if maybe my seat isn’t adjusted to the right hight or something?  My knees hurt really bad still. 🙁

But hey, I burned 772 calories on my ride!!  I can’t wait to see what I burn on saturday on my 34 mile ride!

Anyone know anything about bicycles?

Anyway, after I got back I decided to make a smoothie.  Some people like to call these green smoothies or green monsters, but I’m going to call mine the “swamp thing”.  Looks are decieving on this, I promise it was SOOOO good!


My “swamp thing” consisted of….

  • 1 cup of mixed frozen fruit (pineapple, strawberry, mango, papaya)
  • 1 cup OJ
  • 1 scoop green vibrance
  • big handful of spinach

This was so refreshing after that bike ride!

Hubby was off of work today, so we just kind of lounged around a bit, then we decided to go to Fort Worth and have some lunch/ do some window shopping.  We had some Vietnamese food for lunch.  We went to Tu Hai (thanks Dana for getting me hooked on this place!)

We shared some veggie spring rolls, and I had shredded veggies with vermicelli noodles.  I don’t remember what it was exactly called but it was super light and fresh and so very tasty!  I forgot my camera, so no pictures.

Then we went to Wolf Camera and looked around since Justin is getting me a camera for my bday.  Mines about to go kaput, so it’s time for a new one.  I found the one I want and it’s very reasonable priced!  I’m really excited to get it, but I don’t think he’s going to let me have it till my birthday 🙁

Then we went to Best Buy to look at laptops.  I don’t think I’ll be able to afford to get one for a while, but mine is about to fall apart.  Literally.  It’s really barely hanging on by a thread.  I found one that I liked and it was very reasonable priced!  I kinda want a Mac, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to afford one.  I am unemployed after all, lol.  The one that I picked out was a Toshiba.  It is super light, which is good because I will be carrying it around a lot at school for the next few yrs.  It also has a 6 hour battery- that will come in handy as well.

So after the window shopping we decided to watch a movie.  We went to see Land of the Lost.  It was really funny!  I don’t think there’s a movie that Will Farrell has made that  I haven’t liked.  He’s hilarious, I’m a huge fan!

Then it was onward to the casa.  Where for dinner we made our favorite standby- crispy chicken fingers.  We had them on top of a salad that consisted of romaine, spinach, carrots, a sprinkle of cheese and some Annie’s light honey mustard.


I’ve been craving sweets like a maniac today, so all I’m going to say about this is mint+oreo+ice cream=heaven on eart.  Enough said.



and my financial aid was denied.  I was extremely upset last night (EXTREMELY), but for some reason this morning I woke up feeling positive about it.  I don’t know what orfice I’m going to pull all of that money out of, but I’m going to get it somehow.  This is the point where I would usually just give up and just go look for another crappy job that I’m going to hate and is going to make me miserable. (which I’ve done twice before when I couldn’t get the money to go back to school)  BUT this time the change IS happening, and there is going to be lots of praying in the next few weeks/months but it will all work out somehow.  Now I must move on to another subject because I feel the tears coming on again.

Breakfast today was a repeat of yesterday.  I really wanted a smoothie, but we didn’t have all of the ingredients. 🙁  I’ll have to run to the store at some point today cause if I don’t get a smoothie soon I think I might die.


Mini banana close up. Cute isn’t it?


I was still a little hungry after the cereal, so I had half of a small grapefruit with a little agave drizzled on it.


Then I just laid around on the couch and sulked read.  I’m working on the Twilight series again.  I think this is the 5th time I’ve read through the series (or maybe it’s the 4th- I can’t remember).

Then lunchtime.  I used my last spelt tortilla to make some crack my favorite wrap.


Black beans, cheese.  melt in micro.  add toppings… lettuce, tomato, avocado, salsa, and a dollop of greek yogurt.

It was to big to wrap, so it was more of a taco.


And cherries for dessert.


After lunch I worked on my little music project a bit more and now I’m getting ready to head to the gym!

See ya for dinner!

biking along…

I went for a 15 mile ride on my bikey this morning.  It was AWESOME!!  I can’t wait for saturday!  I wasn’t even that exhausted at the end of the 15 miles- I could have gone more if my butt didn’t hurt so much (I guess I’m still getting used to riding for extended periods of time).  I had a gorgeous ride by the Trinity River.  The trails are beautiful and not too crowded in the morning- mostly the old folks out for a stroll.  I tried not to run over too many of them with my bike (just kidding!). I felt so good after I got my bike packed back onto my car (fun fact- my bike might just be bigger than my car!  I’ll post a pic next time I put the bike rack on and you can be the judge).

Before I went to ride my bike I had some cereals…


A combo of cherrios and nature’s path heritage squares(I think that’s what they’re called) with a baby banana and a splash of skim milk.  I don’t usually eat cherrios (no reason, they just don’t usually fill me up well), but I have been craving them like no other lately.  I finally had to break down and get a box!  The combo of the cherrios and the higher fiber cereal worked really well though- great fuel for my bike ride!
After my bike ride I went and had a salad and sat out on the patio at Central Market.  The diet root beer in the pic did not get consumed- it was gross.  I shoulda known better!


Ahhh, Southern living!  One of my favs!

There was also some Gelato, but it was melting too fast- I wasn’t able to snag a picture.  I love gelato!  It’s alot like ice cream and it’s got less fat and calories.  I think it’s richer than ice cream.  I must research this and get back to you!

Then it was onward toward the casa.  I fired up the grill for dinner!

On the menu tonight was

  • Grilled andouille chicken sausages
  • grilled potatoes

Wow, was this a fabulous meal!!  The potatoes were amazing grilled, kinda like french fries but with that “grilled” flavor.  And the chicken sausage was to die for!  Pardon all the mustard- I’m kinda a mustard-aholic! (blame my dad, who is the mustard king.  I get it from him)

It doesn’t really seem like a whole lot but it was very filling!  In hind sight, I think we could have used another veggie.


potato closeup!


(for the potatoes I just sprayed them with a little EVOO from my Misto and sprinkled with S&P then threw on the grill)

I also had a small handful of cherries.  I couldn’t resist when I saw them at CM this afternoon!  They were wonderful!

insert something clever here…

I’m running out of titles for posts!  I think I forgot to post yesterday.  I can’t seem to keep my days straight so far this summer!

I started out my day today with some of this…


This stuff is SO good!  It’s super sweet though, just a warning!

I had it on an english muffin with a small mango and a cup of joe.


The mango wanted its own close up!  It was the star of the show- so juicy and perfect!


I worked on the house today.  Apparently Justin doesn’t think he actually needs to unpack all of his crud that we moved in here from the storage unit.  So guess who had to unpack it all?  Me, that’s who.  If it was up to him that stuff would just sit out in boxes until the end of time.  I should have just taken it all to the Goodwill!   That was pretty much all I did today.  I set up the guest room – put the bed together, moved some stuff around, tidied up.  All it needs now is a mattress for the bed and we’ll be ready for some guests.  Who’s coming over??

I hopped on the treadmill mid-morning.  I was feeling the running today.  I just did a quick mile and got back to work.

Lunch was a really yummy sandwich!!  Leftover grilled chicken on a whole wheat Bolillo roll from the Mexican market (5 for $1!!!).  A little olive oil mayo, lettuce, and tomato as well.  With some Corazonas chips.  These things are tasty- they have a nice little zest from the lime!


Close up…


Back to work after lunch.  I started working on a little project.  I am transcribing and transposing some music.  Which isn’t too big of a deal, but the kicker is that I’m working with my dad on this and he’s about as unmusical as you get.  I basically had to transcribe the song as he hummed it.  Yikes.  But being the master of music that I am, I figured it out.

I had a little dried fruit for a snacky in the afternoon, but I forgot to take a picture.  Oh well.

Dinner was made from a recipe in this magazine…


I made black bean fajita meatball pitas.  I deviated from the recipe a bit, which I shouldn’t have.  It was good, but I think it would have been better if I had actually followed the recipe.



The pitas I bought sucked, so one of them had to be eaten with the fixins on top!



Okay, I’m tired of being on the computer, so I’m out!  Plus hubby is running on the treadmill (which is in the office where I’m blogging.  and my laptop is broken and doesn’t travel any more).  And it’s driving me nuts, so goodnight!