Archives for April 3, 2009

Fab Friday!

Before I get any further, Erin has a giveaway going on over at her blog, so get thee over there and check it out ASAP! It’s

After I got to school, the usual crazyness ensued.  The kids are aweful this time of year.  TAKS test plus school ending soon = crazy kids!  I’m not even joking.  So I managed to survive the day without losing it and on to the food!

A few hours after I got to work I got hungry so I had a Luna Bar.  This one was not my favorite, but it was pretty good.


Not too much longer and it was lunchtime!  Which also meant the day was halfway over- yay!!


Lunch was:

-Some leftover mac and cheese from last night
-Fresh mixed fruit
-carrots (which I didn’t actually eat because they were kindof dried out and funny tasting)

Then I gave some recorder tests to 5th grade, played some instrument BINGO with 3rd and 4th and it’s 3:15 and my last class is over!

Fast forward 45 minutes and I am at home enjoying an apple and some chocolate chip cookie dough peanut butter!


This was about 30 mins ago and I’m still hungry.  I’m going to go grab another snack.  I don’t know what it is about apples but every time I eat one it makes me SO HUNGRY!  No joke!

I’m also trying to decide if I’m going to work out or not.  My tummy is a little weird feeling so I’m not sure yet.  We’ll see.

theme mayhem!

okay, I’m going back to my original theme. The other one was cutting off my pictures- boo! Isn’t it silly that I’m so up in arms over a theme?!

up and at em!

I got up early this morning because I feel like I never have enough time to get anything done in the morning.  It feels great to be able to post here in the morning!!  I think I’m going to start getting up this early from now on!

For breakfast this morning-

– Organic instant oatmeal
– 1 T granola
– 1 T white chocolate raspberry PB (amazing!!)
– coffee


Well, I gues I better finish getting ready for work. It’s FRIDAY!!!!

PB Thursday!

Well, I can’t decide on a theme that I like.  I don’t like any of them and I wish that I knew how to make my own, but alas, I do not.  I might stick with this one for a while- I like the green and I like how simple it is.  And I like that it has a custom header- I just have to make something suitable to go in it.  It might take a while though, lol.

This is going to be a long post about my day so grab some popcorn and settle in!

I woke up waaay late this morning (my alarm went off for an hour before I realized it was going off!)  Just had enough time to grab a bowl of cereal.

Cereal of choice:

-Optimum Slim
-1 T dried cranberries
-cup of coffee


Then it was off to the races!  I grabbed a quick Luna Bar between changing classes.  Smores.  Not so great- won’t be buying that one again!


Nothing really good happened between then and lunch, so I’ll go straight into lunch.


-pasta salad (1 cup)
-fresh mixed fruit
-baby carrots and sweet yellow tomatoes

After school I was starvin like marvin (what does that mean, anyway?!  Must google.)

So I had a Larabar.  This was the first one that I have ever had and it was fantastic!!  LOVE!  I got a few more, so I can’t wait to try them as well.


Then the REAL fun begins!!!

I ordered some peanut butter from PB Loco and it came in today!!  I got a three pack- chocolate chip cookie dough, Sumatra cinnamon and raisin, and raspberry white chocolate.  Then we (hubby and I) decided to have a tasting.  That’s right people, some do wine tastings and we do peanut butter tastings. 😉


So I took a couple of these awesome mini pitas that I found at the grocery store (aren’t they so cute?!)
and put a little PB on each.


We tried each, taking a sip of water between to “cleanse the palate”.  We both came up with a winner and we actually agreed(surprising- that seriously never happens!).  Here were our favs…


1. Chocolate chip cookie dough
2. Raspberry white chocolate
3. Cinnamon and raisin


1. Chocolate chip cookie dough
2. Cinnamon and raisin
3. Raspberry white chocolate

This was fun and I can’t wait to eat more PB!!!

Dinner was some clean eating mac and cheese.  Turned out quite tasty!!!  (I actually forgot to take a picture it looked so good, so I had to take the pic when I was almost done.  oops!)


Today was rest day- no workout for me.  I burned plenty of calories chasing the puppy around- she’s into EVERYTHING!!  I guess that’s about it for tonight- catch you on the flip side!!!