Archives for April 20, 2009

sample time!

Before I talk about my day let’s start with my free samples! I got a couple of samples of Barney Butter in the mail today so I busted it out as soon as I got in the house.


I lost no time slathering it on a banana and chowing down. This stuff is fantastic!!! I now want to buy some, but I have three jars of PB in my cabinet right now, so I think I shall wait. It’s great- the last time I had almond butter I hated it, it had too many chunks in it, and I like my PB smooth and creamy. This seriously hit the spot!

Now, onto other matters…

Today before breakfast, I tried another “green” drink. This time I tried the amazing grass version. Yick, it was nas-tay. I started gagging toward the end of the drink and my stomach has felt funny all day. I won’t be getting any more of that (well, except for their wheat grass, that was amazing!). I think I shall stick with the green vibrance, which also happens to be what the lady at whole foods rec commended over the amazing grass. I should have listened to her!


This stuff did nothing for me at all.

After that all I really wanted was some cereal, so I made a bowl of PB Puffins(love).

Then I headed off to work, which sucked! 26 more days. 26 more days.

Mid-morning I knew I needed to eat something cause my tummy was feeling weird again. So I had a blueberry Clif Z bar. Tasty!


Lunch was a giganto salad with light ranch and blue cheese. Also 1/2 cup cottage cheese w/ some fresh mango (fab!!)


A few hours later I had a Larabar. Key lime pie- it was really good!!


And that brings us up to date! It’s almost time for kickboxing, so I’ll see you at dinner!

and the weekend’s over


Tonight for dinner we made some pizzas out of whole wheat Naan and whatever else we felt like throwing on them.


I also had a brownie. At the last minute I decided to throw a little cool whip on top.

I didn’t count my calories today. No reason why, just didn’t feel like it. I think I ate a little too much though, cause my tummy doesn’t like me right now.

Till tomorrow…..