Archives for April 8, 2009

Dinner and dissapointment

Before I post about dinner I have to say farewell to my charger/picture uplaoder thing.  The puppy (Harley) got ahold of it and well, it’s no more.  Until I can figure out how to get a new one my blog pics will be coming from my Blackberry.  The camera on it is just okay, nothing great.  That plus work drama plus some family drama from hubby’s side has gotten me quite upset this evening 🙁


Anyway, onto what’s for dinner…

Tonight’s dinner was Amy’s Texas Burgers on whole wheat buns and oven fries.


That’s alls I got- nighty night folks!

Terrific Tuesday

Ahhh, Tuesday again? You’ve come back so quickly- it seems like it was only Tuesday yesterday. But it wasn’t, it was Monday. Or was it? Now I’ve confused myself!

Well, anyway… what’s so great about today? Well, for starters I am taking a mental health day tomorrow. (well, actually a mental health half day, I only have classes in the afternoon on Wednesdays). I’m pretty psyched about it even though I will be cleaning for most of the day. We’ve got some family coming over on Easter for lunch and the house is fairly clean, but it could use a good old fashioned scrubbing!

Today started out with a very tasty breakfast…


Today’s breakfast menu-

Scrambled egg whites with spinach, mushrooms, and peppers

1 whole wheat English muffin

½ oz kerrygold cheese (melty cause I toasted it with the English muffin)

Cuppa coffee

And a glass of water

Then it was off to the rat race! When I got to school it was TAKS Math for the 5th graders and the counselor said that I was singing too loud with my kindergarten classes and we might disturb the testers. Whaaaa? Yes, that’s right folks. I am now getting in trouble for doing too good of a job! And they wonder why I’m not coming back next year?!?! Seriously- 38 days. I’m counting down.

So I was told that I needed to change my lesson plans and do something “quiet”. What the heck kind of quiet stuff do you do with a classroom full of Kindergarteners? Its music class for fracks sake! So we played simon says. After that class was over I was instructed to just put a video in. For the love of god!

Anyway, enough about that! On to snacktime!

Today’s morning snack was:


A Clif Z bar. apple cinnamon- very very tasty! I will be getting this one again!!!

And another one of my cute/ugly tangerines. I still don’t remember what these things are called, but dagnabbit if they aren’t so tasty and sweet!

Then it was back to more video time with the kids. At this point I’m with the 3rd graders and we are watching a video about Japanese Music and they could care less about pentatonic scales and the Koto. What can you do- they’ll get over it.

Ah, lunch, sweet lunchy! When I walked into the teachers lounge to heat up my soup there was a chocolate fountain that claimed my immediate attention (which is hard to do considering I have the attention span of a fly. Can you say ADD?). Oh did it look beautiful- flowing chocolate. But I am very proud to say that I didn’t have any! I did, however, take advantage of the beautiful fruit! I made a little fruit plate with apples, bananas, grapes and strawberries. I am very proud of myself!

The rest of my lunch consisted of:

Leftover taco soup

2 slices of avocado
1 oz of Food Should Taste Good Jalapeno Chips

Chobani Blueberry (which I actually ended up saving as a snack because I was full after all the rest of my lunch)


Between my afternoon classes I had a cup of tea (raspberry white tea) in my The Office mug.


After school it was off to the gym!  On the way I had my favorite bar- Luna cookies and cream delight.  It’s pretty amazing!


While I was at the gym I got my body fat % done and I’m now at 25% body fat!  When I started in February I was at 30 %.  yipee!!!!

After I got home I was STARVING and I know I will be having a kinda late dinner tonight so I made a little snack.  A few mini pitas, a few slivers of kerrygold cheese, some roasted chicken breast, sprouts, and a drop of mustard.  I also had an emergen-c with some sparkling water.


I’ll be back for dinner!